Watch a panel discussion on "Politics, Engagement, and Activism" that Jess moderated during the University of Washington #pandemicUrbanism Symposium

During the day-long, student-organized symposium on May 29th, Jess moderated a panel discussion including:

Politics in the Pandemic Era: A Reality Check on Urbanism vis a vis Intergovernmentalism
Jenny Brekhus, Reno City Council

Gentrification + Pandemic: An Exploration of Community Inclusion + Equity in the Changing Public Realm
Ariana Cantu, University of Washington

Stories and Observations From the CID
Carmen Hom, Chinatown-International District Coalition

Environmental Activism in Times of Covid-19 & Finding Ethnographic Pathways to Study It
Mariana Arjona Soberón, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich/ Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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You can find videos of all of the #pandemicUrbanism sessions here: